2019 Defense of Dissertations' schedule
Student Fernanda Hélia Lucio
Title of the Dissertation “Evaluation of the role of interleukine-17 in the microbicide activity of mice inflammatory phagocytes”
- Evaluation Committee: Profs. Milton Adriano Pelli de Oliveira , Ph.D- IPTSP/UFG, Mara Rúbia Nunes Celes, Ph.D - IPTSP/UFG e Clayson Moura Gomes, Ph.D - PUC/GO. Suplentes: Simone Gonçalves da Fonseca, Ph.D - IPTSP/UFG e Pollyana Guimarães de Oliveira - UNIP/GO, Ph.D.
- August 2nd, 2019, at 09:00 horas, Reading room (Sala de Leitura) IPTSP/UFG.
Source: Pós-graduação
Categories: Outras Notícias